Why United States People Protest Against United States Police?

Hello everyone, let’s talk about the protest happening in the United States against United States police. We are going to talking about both sides of the argument.

First of all, on 25 may a man whose name is George Floyd are arrested by the police in United State, and the crime of this man is he is using the fake 20$ note in the grocery store. And the policeman who arrested George Floyd has been killed George Floyd with a very brutal method. He just put his knee on George Floyd's neck for the 9 minutes until George Floyd died.

The all peoples around the store all victims of the incident and they all are making the video or captured the whole things happening around the grocery store. They all are saying to police please leave him and arrest him with the legal process don’t kill him. But policeman does not care about anything they just want to kill him.

By this incident, the brutal behavior of the United States has been exposed in front of the whole world. And this is not the first incident of the brutal behavior of United States policy, this type of incident has very commonly happened in the United States.


George Floyd belongs to the black racial and the policeman who killed George Floyd belongs to the white racial. And that’s why the whole thing is dividing into the black and white racial. Or we can say that why the protest is named BLACKLIVESMATTER.

And many of the protesters are also saying that the United State police is biased with white racial and against black racial.


According to the data of the last year of the United States. United States police killed 1000 people and the ratio of black people and white people is 24% of people was belong to black people and 49% of people belong to the white people.

But still who supports the BLACKLIVEMATTER community saying that the population of the black people is 13% and the population of the white people is 62%. As compare to population percentage the policeman of the United States is killing black lives more as compare to the white lives. That’s why there is Racial Discrimination happening in the United States police department.


. Income Inequality

  As compare to white people, black people are much poor than white people.

. Employment

Black people are much more unemployment as compare to white people.

. Housing 

Black lives are living without a house more as compare to white lives.

. Political power 

White peoples have much more political power as compare to black people.

. Education 

Black people are also having less education as compared to white people.


This type of racism is also happening in India. There is also some peoples who call people according to their color and skin color.

If there is going around a black skin color man the people just saying like that HOW ARE YOU KALU, WHERE ARE YOU GOING KALU AND WHY ARE YOU DRESSING LIKE THIS YOU HAVE TO DESS LIKE BLACK CLOTHS. These are the thing which is face by the black tone peoples in India. This is not happening from now the is happening from the ancient times in India. I don’t know how long this process will remain the same in India. But we have to change this type of mentality of human beings and we have to delete the black and white racism mentality from the mind of all human beings in this world.

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